A few interesting things on my cycle to Milford this morning. Yes, I made it to Milford. Managed to haul myself out of bed fairly soon after the alarm went off.
1) The roads were wet until Campbells Bay and then 'dry as a bone' from there until the top of the Milford Marina hill. Does it not rain in Campbells Bay?!!
2) A bunny rabbit danced its way in front of me up the Mairangi Bay hill. Bizarre! All I could think of was Dad with his gun and saying where there's one there's 50 of the b&*@*%&s!
3) You need to slow down going down hill on wet roads! The curbs aren't pretty up close and personal!
4) I have to watch out for orange Holdens.... One mad woman tried to run me off the road. She pulled up to the intersection. I was halfway across and in front of her. We made eye contact and I ended up on the other side of the road. There may have been some colourful language and hand gestures. She looked quite away with the fairies. A close call!
5) Even though lights are off it doesn't mean Amy & Jeremy are having a sleep in. Amy was at the gym and Jeremy out jogging (supposedly) My superior assumption skills at work again. I'd make a useless spy according to the Choco/Alcoholics What's Ap group!
Not terribly pretty stats today. I had bumped the sensor on my wheel when I was cleaning it so it only started once I pushed in back into place halfway up the Browns Bay hill.
21.64km (+ 6.26 = 27.9km total)
Stats from Browns Bay Hill to home
1:00:35 time
21.43 av speed
55.26 max speed
79 cadence
Note to self.... It's not a good idea to put dinner on in the mornings after a cycle. It makes you a tad late to work and the kids miss the bus!
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