Thursday, August 22, 2013


First ride at 6am, by myself, under my belt...YUSSSSSS
Distance 22.02km
Time 59.33
Av speed 22.18
Max speed 53.13
Cadence 84
I managed to get to Red Bluff Rise in Campbells Bay.  I would've actually got to Milford if I'd got out of bed instead of lying there wondering if it was raining or not!
The great thing this morning was the lack of traffic.  There was hardly any at all.  It was great!  The old route I used to do every Tuesday and Thursday was busy as in comparison.
The funny thing, as I was cycling along, I was thinking about the people I know along the way, nice and warm inside their homes as I rode by.  Julz & Lincoln on Glenvar - I wonder if they've gone for a walk?  Deb & Rainer in Torbay - I wonder if they're up and about getting their kids organsied for school.  Erlene in Browns Bay - I must check in with her this afternoon.  I wonder how her packing is going? Sarah & Jason also in Browns Bay.  Opps I forgot to get back to her on Tuesday about her digital learning goals.... must touch base with her too.  The wood pigeons at the top of the hill in Browns Bay - are they dancing in the guttering waking owners under their duvets?  Lorraine & John in Rothesay Bay - Has she gone for a walk?  Will I see her along the way?  Louise in Murrays Bay - Hmmmm she should be joining me....  Holly & Rodney in Mairangi Bay - Hopefully I won't need an SOS for Holly to pick me up.  AND did she write her 700 words yesterday and will she be on fire to complete more today... Should call in and join her for a quick cuppa - or not!  And finally Campbells Bay - I wonder if Brenda & Martin make the most of living so close to the beach and are wandering along the waterfront?   I'm guessing not!
One of the great things on the ride back was the moon!  I should've stopped and taken a photo.  It was spectacular this morning.  It looked bright, huge and close enough to touch!

I realised this morning that cycling by yourself is a bit like having your morning shower... Lots of thinking gets done along the way.  Ticking off that mental list of jobs to do.  Who do I have to catch up with?  What needs to be done at home?  What is Sacha going to throw at me today?  Any meetings?  If so what for?  How will I deal with 'Joe', my tricky student, today? What strategy will I try to engage him today?  What is for dinner?  Just as my mind wanders again, onto the next thought, a young whipper snapper speeds past me, leaving me in his dust.  Time to wake up, dig it in and get home in under an hour......

So my next steps... get out of bed when the alarm goes off and get to Milford to abuse Amy & Jeremy at the Marina!

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