Saturday, August 17, 2013

World Famous In Pinehill... 26 June '13

What a day. I was filmed in my class teaching which included various poses! The TV station crew who are filming my Ride to Conquer journey were suggesting all sorts of things from "Can you sit with a group? Can you stand at the board? And can you sit at your computer and look at your webpage?"
That was first thing this morning, then at lunchtime Yvonne and I were interviewed by the North Shore Times. Maryke who interviewed us was so empathetic and clever with her questioning. It was quite an experience. This will feature next week sometime. Hopefully it's a slow news day and we hit the front page!
Finally this evening I gave a presentation at an Eduignite evening. This is for educators to get up in front of their peers and share learning of their own or their students or to share their passions. My presentation was on my passion at the moment which is actually an obsession. I am obsessed with this journey of mine. To raise as much money as I possibly can for those bloody clever scientists to find a cure. We have to find a cure for the sake of our children and our grandchildren. 
Here's a challenge for you: Contact 10 or more people, via email or Facebook or Twitter or whatever social media you use, with the link to this page and encourage them to donate. It doesn't matter if it's $10 or $1000! Every little bit counts.

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